How Is Uterus Removed During Robotic Hysterectomy and Why You Need It

For woman, how is uterus removed during robotic hysterectomy is important question since this type of surgery becomes more common lately. Apart of providing open surgery hysterectomy and conventional laparoscopic hysterectomy, many hospitals are now also providing robotic-assisted laparoscopic hysterectomy. Many doctors are also recommending their patient to choose robotic-assisted hysterectomy to remove uterus in the case of fibroid tumors, cancerous tumors, endometriosis, abnormal uterine bleeding, uterine prolapse, and chronic pelvic pain. The reasons for the recommendation are commonly less pain, shorter hospital stay, less risk of complication, easier recovery, and smaller incisions.

How Is Uterus Removed During Robotic HysterectomyActually, how is uterus removed during robotic hysterectomy is similar with conventional laparoscopic hysterectomy. Small incisions are made on several spots in the lower abdomen that will make a way for laparoscope and other instruments to go through inside. A laparoscope with a camera on the end will tell the doctor what happen inside while the other instruments will do the surgery works, including cutting uterus into small pieces and remove it through the small incisions. After the removal completed, the incisions are closed with several stiches. What makes it different is that during uterus removal with robotic hysterectomy, the laparoscope and other instruments are attaches to robotic arms and surgeons control it by computer.

Robotic hysterectomy for uterus removal is considered safer procedure than conventional laparoscopy. The reason is that the instruments will be more stable when moving in the surgical area. In conventional laparoscopy, human hands may not stable due to various reasons. In addition, robot could move precisely to the right spots and get into tiny spaces easier. It will give better view to the surgical area and procedure that is more accurate when cutting the uterus and other parts near uterus if needed. Moreover, surgeons will less tire with the assistance of robots, so it will help focus.

Similar with conventional laparoscopy, robotic-assisted laparoscopy for uterus removal is also carrying some potential risks such as reaction to anesthesia, infection, bleeding, blood clots, and other risks related to specific individual medical conditions. Therefore, precaution is required before surgery. Thorough examination and tests should be done. Patient should know how is uterus removed during robotic hysterectomy, understand the risks, and understand what she need to do.

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Related : How Is Uterus Removed During Robotic Hysterectomy and Why You Need It