Things You Need to Build Robotics Raspberry Pi

Building a simple robot using the Ad fruit’s robot chassis kit and robotics Raspberry Pi is a fun project that will be loved by most children. This is one of the easiest robots we can build. The basis of this robot is just two DC motors that will work as controllers for the wheels, a swivel caster that will hold the robot up and Raspberry Pi with HAT motor to control the motors.

You do not need to use sensors or other inputs to the robot because it will follow the instructions in Python code. This robotics Raspberry Pi is a good starting point for amazing robot projects. If you want to give the robot more abilities, you can add sensors to detect objects, a camera to bring view or connect it to the web services to control its movements. Generally, you can do whatever you want with this robot.

Robotics Raspberry Pi Parts

Robotics Raspberry Pi

However, before you make a start, there is an important thing you have to understand. To build the robotics Raspberry Pi, you need to familiarize yourself with Raspberry Pi. If you are beginners, you may need to learn more by following the Raspberry Pi guides. Another skill you have to understand is about the motor HAT and read the Blue fruit LE feather guide to understand about the chassis.

To build the robotics Raspberry Pi, you need to prepare these following parts below:

Robot chassis kit, which includes everything, needed, such as 2 mini DC motors, anodized aluminum chassis, 2 motor wheels, a top plate with standoffs and a front caster wheel.

Raspberry Pi Model 2, B+ or A+. You need to use it because the boards have convenient mounting holes that can be easily attached to the robot chassis.

Motor HAT

Brass M2.5 Standoffs for Raspberry HAT

4X AA Battery holder plus the switch

Small USB battery packs that will power the Raspberry Pi. You need to choose a small and light pack, so you can easily mount it on the robot.

Miniature Wi-Fi modules that will help you log into and control the robot.

Machine screws and nuts that will be used to hold the Pi to the chassis

Cardboard. The size of the cardboard must be as big as the Raspberry Pi. It will be used to protect the bottom of the Raspberry Pi from touching the chassis, which is made from metal. So, there will be no shorting out.

Soldering tools

Jumper wires to help connecting the parts of the robotics Raspberry Pi.

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Related : Things You Need to Build Robotics Raspberry Pi